ponedeljek, 22. april 2013

Food for new thought

Magnolia flower

Še v petek zjutraj sta bili moji 2 v popkih, na njih se ni niti zaznalo kakšne barve sta...v soboto popoldne pa sta me pričakali v vsej svoji lepoti, v polnem razcvetu! 
On Friday morning my two magnolias were in buds, on them you can not even see what color they are ... on Saturday afternoon , they waiting me with all the beauty in full bloom!
Nisem sem se spomnila, da bi ju fotografirala...zdaj po parih nalivih, pa žal nista več tako lepi :(
..zato sem si slike sposodila iz neta :-)
I did not remember to photograph them ... now after a few rain showers, unfortunately they are no longer so beautiful : (
.. so I borrowed the image from the net :-)

Našla sem nekaj možnosti kako ta čudoviti cvet narediti v 3D iz polymer claya...ne najdem pa nobene slikice kjer bi bil cvet narejen kot klobasa :(
I found some options how to do this beautiful flower in 3D from Polymer Clay...but I can not find any pictures where the flower is done as a cane : (

What a pity...  :(
Se bo katera lotila izziva in naredila klobaso z motivom tega čudovitega cveta? ;-) Če boste se ne pozabite pohvalit tukaj ;-)
Will one of you accepted the challenge and made ​​a cane with a motif of this beautiful flower? ;-)
If you do, do not forget to brag about it here ;-)

2 komentarja:

  1. evo.. jaz sem pri tortanju že tegale delala, pa pr vsem na svetu nenajdem slike kam sem jo shranila... demet :(
